Quality Solar and Hot Water is your local Solar Hot Water and Hot Water Specialist serving the local area for over 25 years.
As an accredited Rheem Service Agent and authorised Rheem Solar Specialist, we are pleased to offer a quality, personalised service without high pressure, commission-based salesmen. We look forward to assisting you in reducing your carbon footprint, improving the comfort of your home, or just helping you to reduce your energy bill.

Call 66844131
Hot Water Systems
We offer a complete range of hot water systems to cater for all requirements. Solar, Heat Pump, Evacuated Tube, Electric, Gas as well as wood-fired.
Compost Toilets
Dry or micro-flush compost toilets with a range of sizes and options including above floor or under floor. electric or non-electric.
From the time we got a quote till when the whole installation was installed and connected we had a completely satisfactory and worry-free experience. No worry about paper work – all done! Even though the solar panels and solar hot water have been in operation for only half of a billing cycle the savings are quite significant. We recommend Brian at Quality Solar very highly and is a trustworthy and very competent installer. Contracting with a local installer was the best decision we made; “out-of-town national installers” promise a lot but do not deliver all they claim. The other great advantage is the follow up service – a phone or email will be acted on quickly – guaranteed!
Beth and Des – Brunswick Heads
Finance Available
No Capital, No worries. Quality solar can arrange finance with Lombard Finance so you can make the switch to Solar.
Learn more about how to apply.