What components are covered
The period from the date
of installation in which
the fault must appear in
order to be covered
What coverage you receive
All Systems (all installations)
All components
Year 1
Repair and/or replacement of the faulty component, free of charge,
including labour.
52H/S200, 52H/SP Series Systems
The cylinder
(if the water heater is installed in
a single-family domestic dwelling)
Years 2 to 7
Replacement cylinder, free of charge. Installation and repair labour
costs are the responsibility of the owner.
The cylinder
(if the water heater is not installed in
a single-family domestic dwelling)
Years 2 & 3
Replacement cylinder, free of charge. Installation and repair labour
costs are the responsibility of the owner.
The solar collector
(all installations)
Years 2 to 5
Replacement solar collector, free of charge. Installation and repair
labour costs are the responsibility of the owner.
RL, RLX Australis Series & 52L/NPT, 52H/NPT Series Systems
(if the water heater is installed in a single-family domestic dwelling)
The cylinder and solar collector(s)
Years 2 & 3
Years 4 to 7
Replacement cylinder or solar collector, free of charge, including
Replacement cylinder or solar collector, free of charge. Installation
and repair labour costs are the responsibility of the owner.
RL, RLX Australis 10 & Titan Series Systems & 52L, 52H / L & CS Series Systems
(if the water heater is installed in a single-family domestic dwelling)
All components
Year 2 to 5
Repair and/or replacement of the faulty component, free of charge,
including labour.
The cylinder and solar collector(s)
Years 6 to 10
Replacement cylinder or solar collector, free of charge. Installation
and repair labour costs are the responsibility of the owner.
RL, RLX Australis, Australis 10 & Titan Series Systems & 52L, 52H / NPT, L & CS Series Systems
(if the water heater is not installed in a single-family domestic dwelling)
The cylinder and solar collector(s)
Years 2 & 3
Year 4
Year 5
Replacement cylinder or solar collector, free of charge. Installation
and repair labour costs are the responsibility of the owner.
Replacement cylinder or solar collector, supplied at 75% of list
price. Installation and repair labour costs and 25% of cylinder or
solar collector list price are the responsibility of the owner.
Replacement cylinder or solar collector, supplied at 50% of list
price. Installation and repair labour costs and 50% of cylinder or
solar collector list price are the responsibility of the owner.
This revised warranty periods table is for use as an addendum with installation instructions booklet AQ0901073 Rev A dated 2014 September and replaces the original page 67 in the booklet. Additional new system information has been added.
To download the full terms and conditions including exclusions and definitions as a PDF – Click Here